The Land

3- county fruit tree research station planned in Oceana.

November 17, 2019

3- county fruit tree research station planned in Oceana.  The Land is series telling the stories about local agriculture. It is a presentation of Peterson Farms. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. WEARE TOWNSHIP (Oceana County) — A fruit tree research center in northern Oceana County is being planned by the newly formed West Central Michigan Horticultural Research, Inc. The 6,000 square…

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The Land: Fruit expert joins local extension office.

April 24, 2018

The Land: Fruit expert joins local extension office. #TheLand By Allison Scarbrough, Editor. HART — David Jones has recently joined the Michigan State University Extension Office as the West Central Michigan Tree Fruit Extension Educator. Jones, who has a master’s degree in plant pathology and a bachelor’s degree in horticulture from the University of Wisconsin, offers valuable knowledge for local…

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The Land: Maple Grove Farms, making syrup for 7 decades.

March 28, 2018

The Land: Maple Grove Farms, making syrup for 7 decades. #TheLand. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. CRYSTAL TOWNSHIP (Oceana County) — Just south of the Mason-Oceana line, on 120th Avenue, sits Maple Grove Farms, owned by Jerry and Bernice Shafer. Jerry’s parents, Herb and Betty Shafer, moved to the farm when Jerry was 1-year-old, almost 79 years ago, from Indiana where…

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The Land: Egeler Beef Farm, going green.

August 28, 2017

  The Land: Egeler Beef Farm, going green. #TheLand #MasonCountyAgriculture. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief VICTORY TOWNSHIP — It’s feeding time at Egeler Beef Farm, 2940 West Victory Drive. Eric Egeler walks out to the pasture and relocates the thin electric fence. It takes about 15 minutes to move the fence and the herd follows him to the new section of…

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The Land: Dick Alway and his Deere collection.

August 19, 2017

The Land: Dick Alway and his Deere collection. #TheLand #MasonCountyAgriculture. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. The Land is a regular series that features profiles about local agriculture.  AMBER TOWNSHIP — I think the sound of the John Deere 2-cylinder engine was probably one of the first sounds I ever heard. I have heard that “pop-pop” sound all of my life. In…

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