
Cheers to West Shore Bank! Rhythm & Dunes was class act

August 4, 2013
Cheers to West Shore Bank! Rhythm & Dunes was class act

Our hats go off to West Shore Bank for a successful and entertaining second annual Rhythm & Dunes concert series. Saturday night’s beach night featuring Son of a Sailor Jimmy Buffet tribute band and opening act, Ludington-based Groove 101, entertained a crowd some are estimating as high as 4,000 at Ludington Waterfront Park. Last Saturday’s performance of the Glenn Miller…

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Letter: Great job Jaycees

July 6, 2013

Dear Editor, I want to congratulate the Ludington Area Jaycees and the Ludington community on a spectacular 4th of July celebration.  As the current President of the Michigan JCI Senate, senior organization to the Jaycees, I have had the opportunity to travel to many communities throughout our great state.  I am in awe of this particular Jaycees chapter.  These young…

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Lake Winds Energy Park resulted in road improvements, cooperation

May 13, 2013

Letter to the Editor. By Gary Dittmer, manager/director, Mason County Road Commission.  As a condition to build the Lake Winds Energy Park in Riverton and Summit townships, Consumers Energy Company, the developer, was required to agree to a road use agreement (RUA) as developed by the Mason County Road Commission. The purpose of the RUA was to protect the investment…

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Our view: Potential merger is a good move

May 10, 2013

Today’s announcement by Memorial Medical Center of its intention to merge with Spectrum Health is exciting news for our area. While, in this day and age, large corporate take-overs of smaller companies seem to be taking away our identities and can often compromise customer service, we believe health care may be an exception. Modern advances in health care have extended…

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Reader responds to Franz’ road editorial

May 7, 2013

A Letter to the Editor. By John Sniegowski. Hamlin Township.  I am writing in response to an opinion piece published April 24, 2013, titled “Don’t jump on the roads bandwagon,” which was submitted by Rep.  Ray Franz (see editorial here). I appreciate Representative Franz’s interest in prioritizing funding for the state’s entire transportation system. By investing in our infrastructure properly,…

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