
An obsession with Ireland

March 17, 2014
An obsession with Ireland

Commentary and photos by Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.  If you know my wife, Becky, or I, you know that we have a little bit of an obsession about Ireland. We have traveled to the Emerald Island (myself twice) and we even named our daughter after a town in Ireland (Avoca). Her middle name is a little Irish as well, Quincy. If…

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Hamlin resident encourages public transit supporters to attend tonight’s meeting

February 13, 2014

Letter to the Editor. There is a dedicated group of Hamlin Township residents working hard to reach their neighbors and friends to explain the need for a public transportation system in Hamlin. Many residents mistakenly believe we already have the bus because they see an occasional privately contracted bus in the Hamlin area. The Committee for Hamlin Public Transportation (Hamlin…

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Reader urges a ‘no’ vote for Great Lakes Energy members

February 9, 2014

Letter to the Editor:    Have you heard of the marketing campaign, “Buy local.” It sounds and feels good, and when we can, we do “buy local.” However, what if that was all you could do? Buy locally… no where else. This is what Great Lakes Energy is asking us to do in this special election. They want to limit our…

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Slow down, seriously

January 28, 2014

Our View. By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief. I haven’t written a lot of editorials lately, but after driving (very infrequently) these past few days I just have to say something: Slow down! Seriously folks, this is Michigan in the winter and we are experiencing near-zero degree temperatures. This means that many roads are not only drifted over but those that are…

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Keep those sidewalks clear

December 26, 2013
Keep those sidewalks clear

Our View. An editorial by Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.  Winter brings on the usual ritual of clearing snow from our driveways. For those of us who live in a town, it may also mean an additional responsibility of clearing sidewalks and fire hydrants as well. Many municipalities have ordinances that require property owners or building occupants to clear snow from sidewalks.…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks