
Hamlin transportation committee rides on

June 1, 2014

Letter to the editor. Dear Editor, The rumors of our demise are greatly exaggerated, to paraphrase Mark Twain. Hammie has visited the auto body shop and has been repaired, good as new, from his recent collision with the wall of opposition. Fortunately, Hammie has many friends who offered transportation while he was incapacitated. Too bad he couldn’t ride the bus.…

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Thank you Team MCP. You are appreciated!

April 22, 2014

From the Editor. Recently someone asked me about who works for the Mason County Press. As we continue to build this company and its services, I wanted to take a moment to give a shout out to the team. Over the course of the past two-plus years, some great people have come on board to help us continue to bring…

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Pondering on Eric Knysz’ death and the Mason County corrections officers

April 18, 2014

A letter to the editor: By now all reading this know that Eric Knysz hung himself in prison. Eric Knysz admitted to murdering Michigan State Police Trooper Paul Butterfield II out of fear of going to prison. In so many words, he said he made his decision to kill the Trooper when he observed him turn around to stop him.…

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Corrections deputies put themselves in danger everyday

April 11, 2014

A letter to the editor. In the past three years, Mason County has had more than its share of high profile crimes with the Baby Kate case, the wounding of Ludington Police Department Sgt. David Maltbie and the cold-blooded murder of Michigan State Police Trooper Paul Butterfield II. These cases have affected the people of Ludington, Mason County and the…

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Letter: Concern over the police chief’s comments

March 26, 2014

Letter to the Editor: This letter from a reader is in reference to comments made by Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett during Monday’s Ludington City Council meeting. See the story here.  Dear Mr. Barnett, I read on Mason County Press, March 25, 2014 edition, the comments you made at the public forum in Ludington MI. While I can understand there…

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