
Farewell Ken Stevens, shoot pretty forever more.

October 21, 2014

By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.  Over the past 27 years in journalism I have met many colleagues in the profession. A select few of those stand-out as mentors and friends. Monday, I heard the news that one of those colleagues/friends/mentors died suddenly at the young age of 51. Ken Stevens was media specialist at M-Live.com/Muskegon Chronicle, where he had worked for 28…

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Reader questions gas prices and politics.

October 17, 2014

Letter to the Editor:  Fact: The winter of 2013-2014 was colder and snowier than in recent years. Fact: There was a real LP gas shortage that caused prices to sky rocket. Fact: One or more LP gas distributors were or are being investigated for price gouging, Fact: I have observed gasoline prices consistently vary as much as 5 to 10…

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Breasts, prostates, suicide and old white guys.

October 7, 2014

A letter to the editor. By Jim Thomas. Breasts, Prostates, Suicide and Old White Guys. That’s a pretty curious combination. I’m an old white guy. That’s been my mantra for a year or two now. I have Medicare.  I remember the Summer of Love, Kent State, and stepping with my gal to sweet soul music (we still do sometimes). Most…

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Concerns with Scottville garbage bags.

September 22, 2014

Letter to the Editor by Bill Brooks, Scottville. To the taxpayers of Scottville: In an email about a year ago to the city manager I suggested a ready serve tax to those of us who are snowbirds. It was announced a few hours before tonight’s meeting that it would be discussed. It was my reasoning that the excessive costs of and…

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Ag trail should start in Scottville.

September 15, 2014

Editorial by Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.  On Friday, there will be a special ceremony at Historic White Pine Village in Pere Marquette Township celebrating the launching of two culture trails, each honoring the heritage of agriculture in Mason County. The purpose of these trails is to present the visitor to our area with an experience beyond the traditional beach and camping…

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