
Reader: Police are not going to make everyone happy.

June 30, 2015

Letter to the Editor. By Nick Swan, Hamlin Township. I just read the letter written by a reader condemning the very persons we expect to protect and defend us when we call. These defenders put their life on the line each and every shift they work. Yes, these law officers do realize that at some point they may never make…

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Letter to the editor: Law enforcement has ‘bad apples’

June 29, 2015

Letter to the Editor. By Scott Watkins, Sheridan Township. I am in full agreement with Sheriff Cole in regards to the dangers of the public recording police interaction and possibly interfering with an officer or officers doing their job. (See related story here). But bringing up Trooper Butterfield’s death was callous and uncalled for, and was an exception to the…

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Reader embarrassed about treatment of local police.

June 26, 2015

Letter to the Editor. By Matt Gilland, Hart. As I read your story titled, “Local police experiencing backlash of national negativity, especially last weekend,” I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by our community. The law enforcement officials in our area have done nothing to deserve this kind of treatment. To tell a police officer that their presence is bad for…

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Letter to the editor: The new mainstream may not be the right mainstream.

June 7, 2015

Last week MCP Correspondent Kate Krieger wrote a first person account about her blended family and also about her life of living with a father who is gay and parents who divorced. Reader Eric Jefferies sent this “alternative” perspective. Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the views of this news organization.  A letter to the editor, by Eric Jefferies,…

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Letter to the editor: Time to move on in Scottville.

May 21, 2015

A letter to the editor, by Bill Brooks, Scottville. With the Main Street fiasco over it is time to go in a new direction. The city council needs to address the nepotism and cronyism that has crept into city management. It will take a strong manager to address the problems of high taxes, indirect taxes and water and sewer bills…

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