
Letters to the Editor

Reader: Historical society millage request wrong direction for history, culture and arts.

April 17, 2017

Reader: Historical society millage request wrong direction for history, culture and arts. Letter to the Editor by David Petersen, Amber Township. The issue of public funding for the activities of the Mason County Historical Society have come up once again. The Society had a millage passed in the early days of the development of White Pine Village that was not…

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It’s time radio stations stop stealing our news, pictures.

January 5, 2017

It’s time radio stations stop stealing our news, pictures.  Editorial by Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. Today, I was going to post an editorial about Mason County Press celebrating its fifth anniversary this month. I was going to reflect on the past five years and praise the small team that works so hard to bring you the news of our area, at…

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Student writes in support of VanderWall.

November 4, 2016
Student writes in support of VanderWall.

Student writes in support of VanderWall.  Dear Editor, My name is Trey Posma. I am 16-years-old and am a junior at Mason County Central High School. I am writing this letter to you to show my support for Curt Vanderwall as state representative. Even though I am not old enough to vote, I want the community to know what I…

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Reader supports Scripps.

November 4, 2016

Reader supports Scripps. Dear Editor, I am writing in support of Dan Scripps for our State Representative, I wrote a rather scathing letter to Dan Scripps when he was serving as our Representative (2009-2010). Imagine my surprise when I received a personal phone call from Dan to talk with me about my concerns. This is the kind of personal attention…

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Miss Ludington Area reflects on Miss America competition.

September 8, 2016
Miss Ludington Area reflects on Miss America competition.

By Shelby Soberalski, Miss Ludington Area 2016 My junior year of college I remember flipping through the TV channels looking for something to watch while I worked on homework. I came across the Miss America 2015 pageant as it was about to begin. Not thinking much about it, I tuned in. My roommates were enamored by the beautiful gowns and…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks