
Letters to the Editor

An explanation of Ludington’s marijuana opt out ordinance.

December 11, 2018

An explanation of Ludington’s marijuana opt out ordinance. By Steve Miller, mayor elect. The issue to allow/not allow marijuana dispensaries to operate with the city limits was discussed at a Nov. 19, 2018 City Council Public Safety/Public Utilities Committee meeting. The first reading of a proposed city ordinance to “opt out” of allowing the recreational sale of pot within the…

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A message from Ludington mayor-elect Steve Miller.

November 27, 2018

A message from Ludington mayor-elect Steve Miller. Letter to the Editor. In the not so distant past, our city’s population topped 10,000 residents.  The large employer base was vast: the Consumers Power Hydroelectric Plant, Dow Chemical, the C&O Railway, Harbison-Walker, Thompson Cabinetry, Atkinson Mfg., the City of Ludington, Merdel/Carrom, Star Watchcase, to name a few.  Today, just over 8,000 people…

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Homeless youths need our support, help

November 10, 2018

Homeless youths need our support, help Letter to the editor by Cynthia Arneson Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week is November 10 to 18. Imagine being a 17-year-old high school senior and finding yourself homeless and on your own. It is a stark existence fraught with despair. There are currently more than 2 million homeless youth in the United States, with Michigan ranking sixth in…

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Another successful year of learning at Sandcastle’s Children’s Museum.

September 28, 2018

Another successful year of learning at Sandcastle’s Children’s Museum. Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Sandcastles Children’s Museum has had another fantastic summer. During our busiest time of the year, our museum is a bustling hub of learning and creativity for children and their families. Because of the generous support of local residents, businesses and foundations, we were able to…

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Parents: When it comes to the “drug talk,” teens want more conversation.

August 28, 2018

Parents: When it comes to the “drug talk,” teens want more conversation. A letter to the editor by Katie Miller, District Health Dept. #10.  In my prevention work throughout Mason County, I’m pleasantly reminded of the countless parents who want a drug-free childhood for their son or daughter, and will do anything they can to keep substance use at bay.  …

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks