Employment: Bus Driver This is a paid posting. Posted until Aug. 20, 2024.
Employment: Guest Teacher/Instructional Assistant Mason County Central Schools is seeking a Middle School/High School Guest Teacher/Middle School Instructional Assistant. This position is for a staff member who will be asked to cover any staff shortages in the Middle School or High School. When not needed to cover a teacher’s classroom, the person will be asked to offer paraprofessional assistance and…
Employment: Bus Driver West Shore Educational Service District has a position vacancy for a full-time Bus Driver. Must meet school bus driver state certification requirements. To view a complete job posting, visit our website at www.wsesd.org Send cover letter, resume and credentials to: Human Resources, West Shore ESD, 2130 West US 10, Ludington, MI 49431 or via email to: humanresources@wsesd.org…
Employment: Teacher positions, Pentwater Public Schools Full-Time Elementary Special Education Resource Room Teacher (K-6th) Full-Time Secondary Math/Science Teacher (7th-12th) Qualifications: Appropriate Michigan certification and licensure for both positions; will accept a math only endorsement for the secondary math/science position Duties to begin: Fall of the 2024/2025 school year Application process: Send letter of interest, resume and credentials to Craig Barter, Superintendent,…