When the 2012 Summer Olympics start at the end of July, a touch of Ludington will be seen on the NBC television coverage of the events.
LUDINGTON – Are you doing spring cleaning? Cleaning out your closet, your basement, your garage? The Ludington Area Center for the Arts is having its annual indoor yard sale and organizers are seeking donations of items to sell. Donated items may include, but are not limited to, furniture, household items, small appliances, objects d’art, collectibles, games, toys, books. …
Sometime in the next few days you should see our new site. MasonCountyPress.com has been in existence for the past three months and this new site will be the most major change we have made. It will allow us to expand as needed. However, there will be some bugs to work out. I have to move each archived article from…
MasonCountyPress.com encourages comments on posts. However, you must include your first and last name and the content must not be libel. Thank you, Rob Alway, Editor
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