
The Makers: Mike Coleman, bringing order to chaos. 

June 30, 2019

The Makers: Mike Coleman, bringing order to chaos.  The Makers Series is a semi-monthly series brought to you by Preferred Credit Union. By Kate Krieger, MCP Correspondent. “Maker” the word according to Merriam-Webster means, “one who makes” and according to Urban Dictionary, “those who love to create things in their spare time.” Mason County Press is looking around the local…

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History: Louis F. Peterson, Mason County’s first ‘music man’

June 25, 2019

History: Louis F. Peterson, Mason County’s first ‘music man’ By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. #MasonCountyHistory There are many buildings and roads in Mason County that are named in memory of a particular person. I was thinking about this recently as I watched my two daughters perform in their dance recitals at L.F. Peterson Auditorium in Ludington. Louis F. Peterson organized the…

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The Makers: Mike Anderson, tactical artist.

June 15, 2019

The Makers: Mike Anderson, tactical artist. #TheMakers The Makers Series is a semi-monthly series brought to you by Preferred Credit Union. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief “Maker” the word according to Merriam-Webster means, “one who makes” and according to Urban Dictionary, “those who love to create things in their spare time.” Mason County Press is looking around the local areas to find…

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History: Hamlin, the town built and destroyed by a dam.

June 14, 2019

History: Hamlin, the town built and destroyed by a dam. MC History Spotlight is a weekly history column brought to you by Ludington Woods Living and Memory Care. Each week this column features a story from our county’s past. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. #MasonCountyHistory Very little remains of the town of Hamlin, which was built on the banks of the…

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History: Finding James Law, Civil War veteran, Sheridan Twp. farmer.

June 5, 2019

History: Finding James Law, Civil War veteran, Sheridan Twp. farmer. MC History Spotlight is a weekly history column brought to you by Ludington Woods Living and Memory Care. Each week this column features a story from our county’s past. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. #MasonCountyHistory I have a confession. I really enjoy walking around cemeteries. I find myself stopping at random…

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