
History: The Stearns tractor, made in Ludington.

August 29, 2019

History: The Stearns tractor, made in Ludington. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. #MasonCountyHistory There was a short time, in the early 20th century, when tractors were manufactured in Ludington. Eight tractors and two crawlers, actually. They were built by the Gile Tractor and Engine Company, later called the Stearns Motor Company. One of those tractors made its way to the Buckley…

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The Makers: Eating and growing rainbows.

August 28, 2019

The Makers: Eating and growing rainbows. The Makers Series is a semi-monthly series brought to you by Preferred Credit Union. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief “Maker” the word according to Merriam-Webster means, “one who makes” and according to Urban Dictionary, “those who love to create things in their spare time.” Mason County Press is looking around the local areas to find those…

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The Makers: CK Plasma, making metal art.

August 24, 2019

The Makers: CK Plasma, making metal art. The Makers Series is a semi-monthly series brought to you by Preferred Credit Union. By Katie Provenzano, MCP correspondant “Maker” the word according to Merriam-Webster means, “one who makes” and according to Urban Dictionary, “those who love to create things in their spare time.” Mason County Press is looking around the local areas to…

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History: Mason County’s highways, M-116.

August 19, 2019

History: Mason County’s highways, M-116. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. #MasonCountyHistory Three highways run through Mason County: US 31, north and south, US 10, east and west, and M-116 north and south. Today’s article will discuss M-116. M-116 is a loved stretch of highway that presently begins at the intersection of Ludington Avenue (US 10) and James Street in the City…

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History: Mason County’s highways, US 10.

August 9, 2019
History: Mason County’s highways, US 10.

History: Mason County’s highways, US 10. MC History Spotlight is a weekly history column brought to you by Ludington Woods Assisted Living and Memory Care. Each week this column features a story from our county’s past. By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. #MasonCountyHistory Three highways run through Mason County: US 31, north and south, US 10, east and west, and M-116 north…

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