
Rain possible later today

October 29, 2013
Rain possible later today

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Partly cloudy with temperatures reaching 49 degrees F; lows tonight 38. Humidity: 67%; wind: southeast at 6 mph. Thirty percent chance of showers later this afternoon. Scottville: Partly cloudy with temperatures reaching 48 degrees F; lows tonight 38. Humidity: 55%; wind: southeast at 6 mph. Thirty percent chance of showers later this afternoon.

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Scottville Optimist to hold chili cookoff

October 28, 2013
Scottville Optimist to hold chili cookoff

SCOTTVILLE – The Scottville Optimist Club will hold a chili cook-off Saturday, Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. at the Optimist Community Center. Participants are urged to bring their favorite chili to compete for a first, second and third place ribbon plus cash prizes. Entry fee is $5 and all entry fees will be given back to the participants in prizes.…

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Sunny skies today

October 28, 2013
Sunny skies today

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Sunny with a high temperature of 47 degrees F. Temperatures dropping to 29 degrees overnight. Humdity: 49%; wind: northeast at 7 mph. Scottville: Sunny with high tempertures of 46 degrees F, dropping to 30 degrees overnight. Humidity: 48%; winds: northeast at 9 mph.

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Trunk or treat

October 27, 2013

SCOTTVILLE — A Trunk or Treat activity will be held Thursday, Oct. 31 at the Mason County Central High School parking lot from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., prior to trick-or-treating. Hot dogs will be grilled by elementary principals Kevin Kimes and Chris Etchison. Candy and other items will be handed out at various stations. There will also be a “haunted…

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Mostly cloudy today, highs in 40s

October 24, 2013
Mostly cloudy today, highs in 40s

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Mostly cloudy this afternoon with a 40% chance of rain; high of 47 degrees F; low tonight of 38 degrees with showers. Humidity: 65%, dropping to 54%; wind: north-northwest at 10 mph changing to northwest at 14 mph. Scottville: Mostly cloudy this afternoon with a 30% chance of rain; high temperature of 46 degrees…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks