
Blessing of the hunt.

November 1, 2014

CUSTER TWP. — The Sugar Ridge Church of the Brethren, 2012 E. Wilson Road, will hold its annual Blessing of the Hunt event on Saturday November 8, 2014 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the church located 2 ½ miles south and ½ mile west of Custer on Wilson Road. Guest Speaker for the evening will be David Kooi of Ludington,…

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AT&T donates $15,000 to college for high school career exploration program

October 31, 2014
AT&T donates $15,000 to college for high school career exploration program

VICTORY TWP. — AT&T donated $15,000 to the West Shore Community College Foundation this morning. The contribution will support the foundation’s “Boomerange” program, a career exploration and readiness program that lets area high school students visit college and work with college students to create a resume, prepare for interviews and participate in a career fair. “Partnerships like this between AT&T…

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Rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow possible today.

October 31, 2014
Rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow possible today.

The weather is brought to you by Urka Auto Center, 3736 W. U.S. 10, Ludington, Friday, October 31, 2014: Rain, changing to a mixture of snow, sleet or freezing rain by 9am. Cloudy and windy. Temperatures steady in the upper 30s. Winds NNE at 20 to 25 mph. Chance of precip 95%. No significant snow accumulations through 1:30pm.  Tonight: Partly cloudy skies.…

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Ludington hospital board chair receives statewide leadership award

October 30, 2014
Ludington hospital board chair receives statewide leadership award

LUDINGTON — Al Deering, board chair at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, has received the Health Care Leadership Award for 2014 from the Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA). Deering is one of three recipients of the annual award. Each year, the MHA honors individuals who, as the organization describes it, “have provided exceptional leadership to health care organizations and to…

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Old Hamlin, serving homemade goodness since 1929.

October 30, 2014
Old Hamlin, serving homemade goodness since 1929.

This news service is brought to you free through the generosity of our advertisers. This series, Business Spotlight, features those great businesses. Today, we present Old Hamlin Restaurant, located in downtown Ludington. By Kate Krieger. Senior Correspondent. LUDINGTON – As the oldest family restaurant in Mason County, Old Hamlin Restaurant’s owners still believes in serving the community homemade food at…

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