Outdoor Report

Sunny skies today

October 28, 2013
Sunny skies today

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Sunny with a high temperature of 47 degrees F. Temperatures dropping to 29 degrees overnight. Humdity: 49%; wind: northeast at 7 mph. Scottville: Sunny with high tempertures of 46 degrees F, dropping to 30 degrees overnight. Humidity: 48%; winds: northeast at 9 mph.

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Mostly cloudy today, highs in 40s

October 24, 2013
Mostly cloudy today, highs in 40s

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Mostly cloudy this afternoon with a 40% chance of rain; high of 47 degrees F; low tonight of 38 degrees with showers. Humidity: 65%, dropping to 54%; wind: north-northwest at 10 mph changing to northwest at 14 mph. Scottville: Mostly cloudy this afternoon with a 30% chance of rain; high temperature of 46 degrees…

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Rain and snow mix continues today

October 23, 2013
Rain and snow mix continues today

Superior Electric Outdoor Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Cloudy with high tempertures of 45 degrees F. Showers mixed with rain and snow expected by mid-afternoon. Evening lows at 38 degrees. Humidity: 65%; wind: north-northwest at 8 mph.   Scottville: Cloudy with high temperatures of 47 degrees F. Showers mixed with rain and snow expected by mid-afternoon. Evening lows at 35 degrees…

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Superior Electric outdoor report

October 17, 2013
Superior Electric outdoor report

Superior Electric Outdoor Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Cloudy with high temperatures of 52 degrees F. Thirty percent chance of showers by 3 p.m. Humidity: 80 percent; wind: west-northwest at 4 mph. Lows tonight: 45 degrees with partly cloudy skies. Scottville: Cloudy with high temperatures of 52 degrees F. Thirty-five percent chance of showers by 3 p.m. Humidity: 79%; wind: south…

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Fall temps today

October 15, 2013
Fall temps today

Superior Electric Outdoor Report. Mason County: Sunny skies with turning cloudy with a 70% chance of rain tonight. High temperatures at 62 degrees F. Showers early tonight with temperatures at 50 degrees F. Humidity: 80%; wind: southeast at 12 mph.

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks