Outdoor Report

Cold and rainy tonight for trick or treating

November 1, 2013
Cold and rainy tonight for trick or treating

The outdoor report is sponsored by Superior Electric of Ludington. Expect cold and rainy conditions today for trick or treating tonight in the City of Ludington. See the schedule below. The forecast for Mason County: High temperatures should reach 49 degrees F with lows tonight of 42 degrees. There is a 50% chance of rain throughout the day increasing to…

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Rain possible later today

October 29, 2013
Rain possible later today

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Partly cloudy with temperatures reaching 49 degrees F; lows tonight 38. Humidity: 67%; wind: southeast at 6 mph. Thirty percent chance of showers later this afternoon. Scottville: Partly cloudy with temperatures reaching 48 degrees F; lows tonight 38. Humidity: 55%; wind: southeast at 6 mph. Thirty percent chance of showers later this afternoon.

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Sunny skies today

October 28, 2013
Sunny skies today

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Sunny with a high temperature of 47 degrees F. Temperatures dropping to 29 degrees overnight. Humdity: 49%; wind: northeast at 7 mph. Scottville: Sunny with high tempertures of 46 degrees F, dropping to 30 degrees overnight. Humidity: 48%; winds: northeast at 9 mph.

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Mostly cloudy today, highs in 40s

October 24, 2013
Mostly cloudy today, highs in 40s

Superior Electric Weather Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Mostly cloudy this afternoon with a 40% chance of rain; high of 47 degrees F; low tonight of 38 degrees with showers. Humidity: 65%, dropping to 54%; wind: north-northwest at 10 mph changing to northwest at 14 mph. Scottville: Mostly cloudy this afternoon with a 30% chance of rain; high temperature of 46 degrees…

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Rain and snow mix continues today

October 23, 2013
Rain and snow mix continues today

Superior Electric Outdoor Report. Ludington and Pentwater: Cloudy with high tempertures of 45 degrees F. Showers mixed with rain and snow expected by mid-afternoon. Evening lows at 38 degrees. Humidity: 65%; wind: north-northwest at 8 mph.   Scottville: Cloudy with high temperatures of 47 degrees F. Showers mixed with rain and snow expected by mid-afternoon. Evening lows at 35 degrees…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks