Outdoor Report

Snow showers today

December 9, 2013
Snow showers today

Today: Fifty percent chance of snow showers with a high temperature of 28 degrees; humidity: 68%; wind: west-southwest at 22 mph. Tonight, snow showers early with a low of 14. Sunset: 5:08 p.m. Tomorrow: Snow showers with a high of 23 and a low of 16; wind: west-southwest at 22 mph. The outdoor report for Mason County is sponsored by…

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Brrrr: temps in the teens today

December 7, 2013
Brrrr: temps in the teens today

Today: Fifty percent chance of snow showers with a high temperature of 18 degrees; humidity: 62%; wind: west-northwest at 12 mph. Tonight, partly cloudy with low temperature of 16 degrees; wind: northwest at 9 mph. Sunset: 5:08 p.m. Tomorrow: Cloudy with a high of 25 and low of 22; 20% chance of snow; wind: east at 11 mph. The outdoor…

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Windy today

December 5, 2013
Windy today

Today: High temperature of 35 degrees F with a low tonight of 20. Humidity: 76%; wind: west-southwest at 22 mph. Chance of showers later. Sunset: 5:07 p.m. Tomorrow: Cloudy with a high temperature of 21 and a low of 16. The outdoor report for Mason County is sponsored by Superior Electric of Ludington: 231-845-0126; www.supelectric.com.

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Fog and rain expected today

December 4, 2013
Fog and rain expected today

Today: Fog early becoming cloudy and then showers later in the day. High temperature of 47 degrees F with a low tonight of 35. Precipitation: 70% by 6 p.m.; humidity: 86%; wind: southeast at 14 mph. Sunset: 5:08 p.m. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy and windy with a high temperature of 36 and a low of 21. The outdoor report for Mason…

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Rain and snow mix expected today

December 3, 2013
Rain and snow mix expected today

Today: Seventy percent chance of rain and snow showers with a high temperature of 39 degrees F; low tonight of 38 degrees with a 60% chance of rain showers; humidity: 82%; wind: east-southeast at 20 mph. Sunrise: 8:08 a.m. Sunset: 5:09 p.m. Tomorrow: Fifty percent chance of showers with a high temperature of 44 degrees F, wind: south-southwest at 13…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks