
Welcome to the world… Emily

October 10, 2013
Welcome to the world… Emily

Welcome to the world: Emily Paige Fishel, born Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. She is the daughter of Amber and John Fishel Jr. of Hart. Birth announcements are brought to you by ABC Kidz/Purple Monkey, 123 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington. Check out their Facebook page here.  We are happy to share your newborn pictures as well. Please email…

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Welcome to the world… Malachi and Dominic

October 7, 2013
Welcome to the world… Malachi and Dominic

Welcome to the world: Malachi Gene Maximus Teague, born Saturday, October 5, 2013 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. He is the son of Adelynn Luna and Daniel Teague of Ludington. Dominic Kieth Martinez, born Monday, October 7, 2013 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. He is the son of Brandi and Donald Martinez of Ludington. Birth announcements are brought to you by…

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Welcome to the world… Jordan, Fernando, Kyle and Macipe

October 5, 2013
Welcome to the world… Jordan, Fernando, Kyle and Macipe

Welcome to the world: Jordan Lynn Hoeker, born October 2, 2013 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. She is the daughter of Amanda Fuller and Aaron Hoeker of Scottville. Grandparents are Kim and Bill Merten, Sid Fuller and Timothy and Denise Hoeker. Itzarely Beltran, born October 2, 2013 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. She is the daughter of Iliana Montes and Fernando…

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Welcome to the world… Amielia

September 30, 2013
Welcome to the world… Amielia

Welcome to the world: Amielia Jo West, born September 28, 2013 at Memorial Medical Center. She is the daughter of Kristina Brandel of Hart.   Birth announcements are brought to you by ABC Kidz/Purple Monkey, 123 E. Ludington Ave., Ludington. Check out their Facebook page here.  We are happy to share your newborn pictures as well. Please email them, along with…

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Welcome to the world… Collins and Owen

September 27, 2013
Welcome to the world… Collins and Owen

Welcome to the world: Collins Dianne-Marie Newman, born September 25, 2013 at Memorial Medical Center. She is the daughter of Cassondra and Casey Newman of Ludington. Owen Danial Standish, born September 25, 2013 at Memorial Medical Center. He is the son of Nichole Kolean and Shawn Standish of Fountain.   Birth announcements are brought to you by ABC Kidz/Purple Monkey, 123…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks