
Welcome to the World! Ma’Kiya.

March 11, 2014
Welcome to the World! Ma’Kiya.

Welcome to the world… Ma’Kiya Rachelle-Marie Martin, the daughter of Josephine Buss and Marcus Martin, was born March 6, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. We are happy to share your newborn pictures as well. Please email them, along with information, to Birth announcements are sponsored by ABC Kidz/Purple Monkey, 123 E. Ludington Ave. Check them out here on Facebook. 

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Births. Welcome to the World!

March 7, 2014
Births. Welcome to the World!

Welcome to the world… Ryder Llynn Johnson, the daughter of Danielle Carnahan and Adam Johnson, was born February 27, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Jeremiah Lee Brown, the son of Maria Cavazos and Adrian Brown of Hart, was born March 6, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Myron Nathan Northrup, the son of Kayla and Myron Northrup of Ludington, was born…

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Welcome to the World! Bria, Carson, Dominic

February 28, 2014
Welcome to the World! Bria, Carson, Dominic

Welcome to the world… Bria Lynn Howe, the daughter of Mary and Jeremy Howe of Manistee, was born Februrary 27, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Carson Lamontt Lee James, the son of Noelle Plasterer and Tony James Jr. of Ludington, was born February 27, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Dominic Alebert Leonardo, the son of Elizabeth King and George…

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Welcome to the world! Maya, Lane, Austyn, Kasidee

February 21, 2014
Welcome to the world! Maya, Lane, Austyn, Kasidee

Welcome to the world…   Maya Jo Massie, the daughter of Sarah and Steven Massie of Ludington, was born Februrary 7, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Lane Gregory Landes, the son of Sarah and Russell Landes of Ludington, was born February 14, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Austyn Ryan Petzak, the son of Niki Petzak and Nick Davis of Ludignton,…

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Welcome to the world! Brennen, Joshua, Henry, Gavin, Hunter.

February 14, 2014
Welcome to the world! Brennen, Joshua, Henry, Gavin, Hunter.

Welcome to the world… Hunter James Windemuller, the son of Bobbi Jo Bishop and David Windemuller of Hart, was born February 11, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Brennen Robert Weiner, the son of Bridget and Richard Weiner of Free Soil, was born February 12, 2014 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. Joshua Daniel Hollenbeck, the son of Christine and Daniel Hollenbeck of…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

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