From the MCE Class of 2026: Please hear our cry!
March 2, 2025
Dear Editor:
Today, many of us attended the funeral of our dear friend and classmate, Sammi Bateson, who was tragically killed in front of our school 12 days ago. Since that time, we have suffered a range of emotions including shock, dismay, anger, frustration and just pure sadness. During today’s sermon, we heard from the pastor that it was necessary to question her death because in some way it would provide healing and allow us to pick up the pieces and move forward as Sammi would want us to do.

Sammi Bateson
Inside the walls of our school, we practice drills to keep us safe. Our administration, teachers, and school resource officer, Deputy Jake Lesinski, take our safety and well-being very seriously. However, when we exit this building, we are vulnerable, so we ask for your help. While we do not pretend to understand the science behind speed studies and speed limit determinations, we are baffled by the decision to let drivers travel by our school at 50 mph while our neighboring school to the west has a reduced speed limit of between 30-40 mph past their school. How could a mere three-mile difference justify that kind of increase?
Our school recently purchased a flashing red and gold school sign located on the north side of our gymnasium. Any traveler heading down US-10 can clearly see it and recognize a school zone is implied. Doesn’t it make sense to slow down and drive more defensively, expecting a certain increase in traffic including student drivers and buses full of passengers?
Is it also possible to increase law enforcement presence during times of greater activity like lunch time when our juniors and seniors are leaving for classes, CTE programs, appointments or work study? For the community at large, could you please take a few more minutes at these times to pay extra attention to our comings and goings? As young drivers, we know we have a responsibility to share the road, but we are depending on you to make common sense decisions too.
Lastly, while we mourn the loss of our beloved friend, we would be grateful if we could name a section of US-10 the “Samantha Bateson Memorial Highway”. Perhaps the sign alone could remind all drivers that slowing down can be a life-saving decision.
We’ve been told that when you see a cardinal, it is a spiritual message from a loved one symbolizing hope, renewal and new beginnings. We see cardinals every day at Mason County Eastern. We know Sammi is close; we can feel her presence. Please hear our plea and help us make something positive come from this senseless tragedy.
The MCE Class of 2026
Once a cardinal, always a cardinal
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