MCP is 12 years old

January 8, 2024

MCP is 12 years old

On this day, Jan. 8, 2012, I launched the Mason County Press online news service. Owning my own newspaper was a dream I had since high school and I have enjoyed growing this free news service over the years, which has included the created of Oceana County Press in 2014.

The success of MCP and OCP would not be possible without the great support of our readers, our advertisers, and individuals who financially support us. The old newspaper model requires people to pay for a subscription, a model that most newspapers follow to this day. Our services are completely free — but the costs are not free.

I believe that Mason and Oceana counties deserve to have a choice in the news that they read. The preservation of local journalism is essential to maintaining an informed, educated society. As access to technology has increased, especially through the popularity of social media and smart phones, the decline in news content and/or accurate news content has equally increased across our country. Along with that has been a decline in journalistic objectivity.

Abundant research in recent years has found that strong local journalism builds social cohesion, encourages political participation, and improves the efficiency and decision-making of local and state government. This also equates to a more educated workforce.

The void created when societies lose a local news service has significant political, social and economic implications for our society and our republic. Historically, newspapers have been the prime, if not sole, source of credible and comprehensive news and information that affects the quality of life of residents living in the thousands of small and mid-sized communities that dot this country.

Today, it’s more important than ever to keep local news alive.  Please consider helping to fund local news.

There are three ways to help us: Venmo: @MasonCountyPress; Paypal:; Mail a check to PO BOX 21, Scottville, MI 49454.


Rob Alway
