Housing needs assessment results to be presented

September 22, 2023

Housing needs assessment results to be presented

The Chamber Alliance of Mason County will be hosting two public meetings to share results from the recently completed Housing Needs Assessment. Patrick Bowen of Bowen National Research will present the findings on Monday, September 25.  

The first session will be 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at Ludington Area Center for the Arts, 107 S. Harrison St., Ludington, and the second will be 7:30 o 8:30 p.m. at the Mason County Central High School cafeteria, 300 W. Broadway, Scottville.  

Bowen has completed thousands of housing studies all over the United States and is currently completing several in west Michigan. The Chamber Alliance commissioned the study in fall 2022, with financial support from Mason County, City of Ludington, City of Scottville, Habitat for Humanity of Mason County and a grant from the Community Foundation for Mason County.  

“We know housing is our top need in the county right now, but having a Housing Needs Assessment provides the proof we need to attract developers,” said Kristi Lucas-Zimmerman, economic development director for Mason County. “It also puts us in a better position to prioritize development needs, as well as increases the chances we can secure state grants to assist with housing development. The exhaustive study Patrick and his team completed will put us in a better position to take action in this housing crisis.” 

There are additional options for those who cannot attend either public meeting. The first meeting at 1:30 p.m. will be live-streamed on the Chamber Facebook page. A recording of the livestream will also be placed on the Chamber Alliance’s website. In addition to the video, the Housing Needs Assessment will also be available on the Chamber Alliance website. 

The presentations are free and registration is not required. Anyone with questions on the meetings may contact Lucas-Zimmerman at zimmermank@rightplace.org or (616) 970-8978. 

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