Senior Center director supports MCC bond proposal

April 16, 2023

Senior Center director supports MCC bond proposal

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Dear Editor,

There’s an important vote coming up on May 2. Mason County Central Schools is asking voters in the district to approve a bond proposal for important safety, education, and facility improvements.

Perhaps it seems unusual that someone who works at a senior center — and is a senior citizen –would be taking an interest in a school bond issue to benefit kids ages 5-18 years. Our senior center has been part of MCC Schools for its entire 50-year history. While there’s nothing in the bond for the senior center, I support it. To me, and many others in the senior age group, there is nothing more important than making sure the grandchildren of the community are safe and have a good start in life.

And that’s what the MCC bond issue is all about. Providing a richly diverse educational experience and keeping kids safe while they learn.

We have a community full of good people. Surely no tragedy could happen here, right? But isn’t that what they thought in Nashville, and Sandy Hook, and elsewhere? We can no longer take school safety for granted. The bond issue will ensure that our schools will be made as safe as possible—and make it as unlikely as possible that a tragedy can happen.

Once our buildings have greatly improved security, we want to make sure our learning facilities—some of which are more than 65 years old—are refurbished and meet the much different educational needs of the 21st century.

Some question the need for a new auditorium. But a school auditorium is really a big classroom. And making music, theater, art, and public speaking part of the educational process is vital to a full, rich and diverse background for students on their way to adult fulfillment.

Our high school doesn’t have a real auditorium now. It has a converted gymnasium that’s used as an auditorium. A real auditorium will provide a place for the entire school to gather for programs, and have many benefits for students and the wider community

For safety, for education, for grandkids…the May 2 bond issue vote is vital for Mason County Central Schools.


Bill Kerans, director

Scottville Area Senior Center

PS: Superintendent Jeff Mount and Angela Taylor, MCC director of state and federal programs and early childhood, will be discussing the bond issue at the senior center on Wednesday, April 19 beginning at 12:15 p.m. The meeting is immediately after lunch and open to the public. Anyone who would like to attend lunch at 11:45 a.m. may call the senior center at least the day before at 231-757-4705.

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