Employment Opportunity: Senior Services Coordinator

Employment Opportunity: Mason County Senior Services Coordinator

The County of Mason is seeking a qualified individual for the part-time position of Mason County Senior Services Coordinator.  Individuals applying for this position must possess excellent communication and administrative skills.  The successful candidate will be responsible for the coordination of senior services within the County of Mason.  Interested candidates are asked to submit a resume, job application packet, and letter of interest to Fabian L. Knizacky, Mason County Administrator, at fknizacky@masoncounty.net or at 5300 W. US 10 Highway, Ludington, MI  49431. Job application packets can be found on the County Administrator page at the www.masoncounty.net or at the County Administrator’s office.   Please indicate ”Application for Senior Services Coordinator” in the subject line.  Applications are due by 4 p.m. on June 23, 2023.  The County of Mason is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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