Dickson to retire as library director

May 7, 2013

LUDINGTON — After 19 years as the Director of the Mason County District Library and 18 years before that as the Director of the Mason County Library in Scottville, Robert  Dickson asked the library board to begin the search for his replacement.  The library board has hired the firm of Hartzell-Mika Consulting of East Lansing, Michigan to facilitate the search for a new Library Director.

“Anyone who has ever had a job that they love as much as I love this job will understand how difficult it is to make this move,” Dickson said.  “But after over 37 years as the Director of first the County Library in Scottville, then the combined district library in both Ludington and Scottville, it’s time for me to retire.”

Details about the position requirements can be found at www.hartzell-mikaconsulting.com.

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