Remembering Trooper Butterfield.

September 9, 2021

Remembering Trooper Butterfield.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

FREE SOIL TOWNSHIP — Sept. 9, 2013. Eight years ago today, Trooper Paul Butterfield of the Michigan State Police, was murdered alongside Custer Road, just north of Townline Road. Since Sept. 9, 2014, Shirley and Jerry Chancellor of the Fountain Area Fire Department, organized a memorial service at the site, where a roadside memorial now marks the spot for all to remember. Jerry, a former Fountain fire chief, passed away earlier this year. He and Shirley were among the first medical personnel to arrive on scene to render aid, in addition to passersby Chuck and Shannon Comstock. Shirley, a veteran firefighter and medical first responder, said she will never forget and will continue to remember Paul Butterfield every day — but especially this day.

The events of that night, followed by the court proceedings that followed into the winter of 2014, will not be forgotten by many.

Like the past ceremonies, tonight’s ceremony was brief and to the point. Law enforcement personnel along with military veterans formed honor guards (Butterfield was an Army veteran); the “Star Spangled Banner” and “Amazing Grace” were sung; there was an invocation and a benediction; a gun salute and the playing of “Taps.”

Simple. To the point. But, never forgotten.

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