LASD board to consider COVID-19 policy, including masking. 

August 29, 2021

LASD board to consider COVID-19 policy, including masking. 

LUDINGTON — The Ludington Area School District Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Monday, Aug. 30 at 6 p.m. at L.F. Peterson Auditorium. The purpose of the meeting will be for the board of education to discuss and take action on the 2021-2022 COVID-19 “Return to Learn” safety mitigation plan recommendations. Like all public meetings, the public will have an opportunity to speak. 

One of the biggest concerns among parents is the requirement of masks in the school environment. LASD’s policy is calling for masks to be required “as a safety measure if data warrants the need to do so in working with medical experts on this decision.” The policy also states that during other times masks will be strongly recommended and encouraged among students and staff. 

Facial coverings on transportation are required per current federal mandates. 

The policy is similar to a policy adopted by Mason County Eastern which is also making masks optional, but with the possibility of changing that policy if COVID-19 cases increase. 

Mason County Central Board of Education approved a plan last week to encourage masks for students grades seven and above and adult staff who work near those students. It is requiring, at this time, students in grades six and below — and adults near those students — to wear masks until six weeks after vaccinations become available for those age groups. While the board of education passed its support of that plan, the board had previously given the school’s administration approval to adopt such policies, as did LASD’s board as well. 

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