Scottville DDA to launch Optimist park and sculpture fundraiser Thursday. 

July 12, 2021

Concept drawing of the project

Scottville DDA to launch Optimist park and sculpture fundraiser Thursday. 

SCOTTVILLE — A special fundraising kick-off will be held Thursday, July 15 at 3 p.m. at the Scottville Clown Band Shell for the Scottville Downtown Development Authority’s Optimist Park and Sculpture project. During that time, committee members, along with special guests will announce news about the project and a special matching grant that has become available for the beginning of the campaign. 

The project has been several years in the planning and will include the remodel of the former Scottville Optimist Center, redesign of the green space, including moving or rebuilding the Clown Band Shell and placement of a sculpture in the park. 

“This project began about five years ago when the Scottville Optimist Club made the decision that it could no longer feasibly operate the hall, and a separate committee began planning a sculpture, as part of the Mason County Sculpture Trail,” said Joe Knowles, chairman of the DDA. “Those two committees eventually combined and explored several different funding sources, including state grants. Ultimately, we decided to pursue funding locally. The DDA purchased the building from the Scottville Optimist Club, at a greatly reduced price, and we have created a comprehensive plan for remodeling the building and grounds. We are excited to begin the next step in this community project”

The sculpture, titled “Forward March”, will be designed and created by local filmmaker, writer, artist and sculptor Harold David Cronk of Amber Township. It will be an interactive sculpture that is a tribute to the Scottville Clown Band and Scottville’s agricultural heritage. 

More details about the project will be announced during Thursday’s kick off event. 

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