Scottville Commissioner Benyo submits resignation.

July 1, 2021

Brian Benyo

Scottville Commissioner Benyo submits resignation.

SCOTTVILLE — Scottville City Commissioner Brian Benyo has turned in his resignation from the commission, stating personal reasons for leaving. 

Benyo was appointed to the commission in 2019, replacing long-time commissioner Leon Begue, who had resigned due to health reasons. 

“My time on the city commission has seen the future change hands; including several commission seats, a new police chief and city attorney, new mayor, and two new city managers,” Benyo wrote in his resignation letter to Mayor Marcy Spencer and the commission.

“These changes invited several fresh faces, as well as a renewed sense of pride and hope for the future. I can look at every face in the room and see someone who is dedicated to their community. My belief is maybe in some small way, my joining the commission spurred a youthful infusion to the panel that shall serve the city well for many years to come.

“As my priorities and duties shifted as a single father, so did my ability to give the proper attention I thought was needed of me.

“And now my page turns. I have accepted an offer to sell my home in town, and have chosen the next stop in my families’ life journey. I shall resign my commission seat, with confidence that the current panel can lead this town into better things than it already has.

“I’d like to thank everyone I have worked next to. I am certainly a different man now than I was when I started this adventure, and have learned a lot about myself as well as other people.

“The most important lesson I learned is that I am not a politician. I joined this commission living in a struggling town, with a sense of civic responsibility. I wanted to show my daughter we still need good people to be leaders. As I looked at the other commissioners through the years, I felt that same sentiment from them.

“My intent was never power driven, or agenda motivated. I believe this to be true for everyone else employed by the city, as well-from the DPW workers to the city manager, this team seems more than fit to solve many of today’s real world problems Scottville faces.

“My wish is they all stay focused. The task is not easy; certainly the road will he impeded at times by those truly driven by their own agendas, and the drum beaters, flame stokers, and lemmings who echo their angry and pointed statements.

“I appreciate the opportunity to be of service in the community I raised my young daughter in. Our most sincere gratitude goes to the Scottville Police Department, namely Chief Matt Murphy and Officer Katrina Skinner. Through the years working next to you, you have shown my daughter that superheroes can be normal people, too. She now aspires to be a K9 officer at 11-years-old, and my heart swells with pride. We will always back the blue proudly.

“All my best wishes to everyone, it was truly my pleasure to serve.”

The commission will consider Benyo’s resignation when it meets during its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5 at the former Scottville Optimist Center. 

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