Initiative encourages students to complete financial aid apps.

February 2, 2021

Initiative encourages students to complete financial aid apps.

February launches a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) frenzy across the county, when high school seniors complete their FAFSA application before the state March 1 deadline for Michigan Competitive Scholarship. Mason County high schools are participating in an initiative, which seniors can win prizes by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  

Mason College Access Network has encouraged this initiative, which the Pennies from Heaven Foundation sponsored. Ludington, Mason County Central, Mason County Eastern, and Gateway to Success Academy high schools are entering students in the running for a variety of prizes. Students can enter by showing their school counselor a student aid report (SAR) they receive upon the completion of the FAFSA. Students rarely complete the FAFSA without the support of their parents, so families with a 2021 senior at home, ask how you can help.

This year’s FAFSA uses 2019 tax information from parents and students. Current seniors will apply for the 2021-22 FAFSA year. Once completed, the FAFSA enables students to access federal grants based on income, and federal student loans. In Michigan, FAFSA is required to access TIP grants which cover 12 credits a semester for qualifying students. Locally, scholarships like the Mason County Promise and Community Foundation scholarships require the FAFSA to qualify. 

The application can be found at Information on state grants and scholarships can be found by searching for MI Student Aid.  Families and students looking for more resources and tutorial videos to help with scholarships and FAFSA can find them at  

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