Census extended deadline changed to Sept. 30.

September 1, 2020

Census extended deadline changed to Sept. 30.

The U. S. Census Bureau has announced that the extended census deadline will be September 30, instead of October 31. The new deadline was set to ensure that census data can be completed before the end of the year, as required by law. The new date is still an extension of the normal deadline, but time is running out. All U.S. residents are required to take part in the census.

How to file: 

  • Online. The census questionnaire is only nine questions long and takes only about10 minutes to fill out. The easiest method is to go online to: https://2020census.gov/. 
  • Phone. If you’d rather answer the questions by phone, you can call the toll-free Census Bureau line (844-330-2020).
  • In person. If you don’t file, a census worker will come to your home to interview you. 

What will be asked: Items for each person in the household, like name, gender, age, birthday, race, ethnicity, relationship to head-of-household, whether you own or rent, and phone number are asked on the Census. The Census will not ask about citizenship or immigration status.

Mason County Census Initiative: In Mason County, a coalition of organizations is working to ensure a maximum count for Census 2020.

Funding: Federal funding is determined through the census. Answering the census helps bring funding for schools, roads, senior programs and much more to Mason County.

If you need help: There are plenty of options if you need help. Call the Lakeshore Resource Network (231-845-5300), the Mason County District Library (231-843-8465). Seniors can receive help by calling the senior centers in Ludington (845-6841) or Scottville (757-4705). You can call the Census Bureau, toll-free (844-330-2020).

Public Internet hotspots: If your home Internet connection is weak, new Mason County public hotspots have been established where you can fill out the 2020 Census online right from your car. Locations: Lakeshore Resource Network, Ludington; Ludington Municipal Marina; Optimist Hall, Scottville.

You can learn more about the census at https://mivoicecounts.org/ or by calling the Census Bureau, toll free (844-330-2020). Here in Mason County, you can contact the Lakeshore Resource Network (231- 845-5300), or Mason County District Library (231-843-8465)—both are members of our county coalition. 

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