Fourth of July parade decision tabled.

June 10, 2020

Fourth of July parade decision tabled.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

LUDINGTON — During its regular meeting Monday, City Council tabled a request from the Ludington Area Jaycees to create an alternative parade route for the Ludington Area Jaycees Freedom Festival grand parade on July 4.

The Jaycees are proposing a route that begins on Nelson Road, heads north to Tinkham Avenue, then proceeds to wind up and down streets, eventually ending in downtown.
“The goal of having the expanded route is to remove congestion from the roughly one mile stretch down Ludington Avenue,” the Jaycees’ proposal to city council states. “Residents and visitors would be able to watch along the expanded route allowing for social distancing. The route intentionally does not go down Ludington Avenue, as we were concerned that people would fall into old habits and set up at their regular spots.”
In addition to no walking allowed, all parade entrants not in the same family unit must abide by social distancing guidelines. No handouts will be allowed. Trailers must be less than 36 feet long.
The children and pet parade has also been cancelled. The Jaycees are proposing holding a virtual run on July 4 and a porch decorating contest. The organization has also secured 3,000 disposable masks which it is proposing law enforcement hand out to people who would like one.
City councilors asked Jaycees President Angela Rickkett several questions about the proposed 2020 festival (see related story about proposal here). Two of the main concerns about the parade were the number of people “gathered” during the parade, which would violate the current governor’s executive order limiting gatherings to 100 people or less. The other concern was the parade route itself. Fourth Ward Councilor Cheri Rozel said she was concerned that the parade did not go through the Fourth Ward.
The item will be discussed again at the council’s June 22 meeting.
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