Salons may open June 15.

June 5, 2020

Salons may open June 15.

LANSING — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has moved the remainder of the state into what her administration calls phase 4, with the expectation to move the entire state into phase 5 in the coming weeks. The move means that personal services including hair, nail and massage salons can open beginning June 15. Much of northern Michigan, north of Manistee County, has moved into phase 5, allowing the opening of such businesses immediately.

Phase 5 also allows the opening of movie theaters and gyms, subject to safety protocols and procedures designed to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

The move comes just one day after Whitmer participated in a protest in Highland Park, disregarding her social distancing guidelines by walking and kneeling within inches of other protestors. Just last month Whitmer warned participating in protests will spread COVID-19.

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