Health department policy protects COVID-19 patients’ privacy.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
In order to protect patients’ privacy, District Health Department #10 does not release specific information about COVID-19 patients, such as the person’s age, gender or town of residence, said DHD#10 Public Information Officer Jeannine Taylor.
“We are not providing information about a specific person — we are only providing the county,” Taylor said. Although, some other health departments provide more specific information, she said.
“You need to assume it’s in your community,” she said. “That’s why everybody needs to stay home.”
Taylor said that by announcing the town a coronavirus patient is from can create a false sense of panic. It can also create a false sense of security, as people may think they’re not susceptible because they don’t live in that specific town.
It’s extremely important for people to listen the guidance of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and abide by Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s orders.
“Monitor your symptoms and isolate. If your symptoms are bad, contact your doctor.
“Understand that testing kits are limited,” Taylor said. “There is no cure or specific treatment, so monitor yourself.
“It’s very, very serious, but we don’t want people to panic.
“We encourage that you don’t go to the grocery store unless you absolutely have to,” she said. “Get home and stay there.”
If you have questions, email DHD#10 at
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