Kreinbrink announces campaign for prosecutor.

February 14, 2020

Pictured, from left: Wayne Kelly, Kim Cole, Lauren Kreinbrink, Chuck Lange, Janet Anderson, Henry Rasmussen, and Steve Hull.

Kreinbrink announces campaign for prosecutor.

PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP — During the monthly meeting of the Mason County Republican Executive Committee Thursday, Feb. 13, several candidates announced their campaigns for the 2020 election. Notably, Lauren Kreinbrink announced she is running for Mason County prosecutor. Kreinbrink currently serves as the chief assistant prosecutor for the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Paul Spaniola (D, Ludington) has announced he is not going to seek re-election.

Several other Republican candidates announced Thursday that they are seeking re-election. Those candidates include Cheryl Kelly, county clerk; Kim Cole, sheriff; Andrew Kmetz IV, county treasurer; Janet Anderson, district 6 county commissioner; Steve Hull, district 5 county commissioner; Chuck Lange, district 3 county commission; Lewis Squires, district 4 county commissioner; Ron Bacon, district 7 county commissioner; Wayne Kelly, Summit Township supervisor; and Henry Rasmussen, Pere Marquette Township trustee.

MCP will run a future story on other local candidates who are seeking election in 2020.

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