Habitat names Volunteer of the Year.

November 13, 2019

Mary Besson, left, and Jamie Healy

Habitat names Volunteer of the Year.

AMBER TOWNSHIP — Habitat for Humanity of Mason County recently recognized Mary Besson of Ludington as its Volunteer of the Year.

“Mary is always inquiring with our office about when the next project is and how she can help,” said Jamie Healy, executive director. “She takes the initiative to sort the tool trailer and has gone as far as to purchase things to help her organize the trailer more efficiently. She has purchased flowers and plants to beautify the front of our ReStore and did all the landscaping herself.  She has initiated raising funds within her church on behalf of Habitat for Humanity.  She recruits other volunteers to help get something completed, most recently organizing a storage room within our building and needed shelves built.”

Besson is retired and started volunteering with Habitat in 2016. She was honored recently at the Habitat for Humanity Michigan Award Reception in Lansing.

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