Sue and Larry Lange leaving Relay for Life; event’s future uncertain.

September 2, 2019

Sue and Larry Lange. MCP file photo.

Sue and Larry Lange leaving Relay for Life; event’s future uncertain.

LUDINGTON — Sue Lange has announced that she is retiring her position as chair of the Mason County Relay for Life. MCP has been told that the future of the Relay may be put on hold unless new leadership volunteers to take over the event, which observed its 25th year earlier this summer.

“We have been honored to be in a leadership role for Relay For Life for the past 15 years but we could not have done it without the many great volunteers we have worked with,” Lange wrote. She and her husband, Larry, have both been involved in the event’s planning. “We live in such a giving and caring community.  However, it is time for us to step away from Relay For Life.  New leadership and new ideas are needed for it to continue.”

Over the past 25 years Mason County Relay for Life has raised over $2 million for the American Cancer Society. The money has gone towards research to find a cure and for program services such as the Road to Recovery van program, the wig bank and Reach to Recovery.

“We have enjoyed these years – finding a cure for cancer is very personal for us,” Lange stated. “We also have enjoyed providing rides to radiation treatments for the past 10 years and we will continue to be doing that.

  “Thank you to all the volunteers we have worked with over the years.   Thank you to all the survivors and caregivers who have shared their stories with us.   Thank you to all the teams who have participated and made the program work for 25 years.  Thank you to our community for your support.”

Lange said it is her hope that someone else will take over the leadership role of the event.

“As we step away, our only wish is that the program continue to work towards finding a cure, with the help of new leadership and new ideas.”

Anyone interested should contact Taylor Chrisman at or 616.551.4065.

This story is copyrighted © 2019, all rights reserved by Media Group 31, LLC, PO Box 21, Scottville, MI 49454. No portion of this story or images may be reproduced in any way, including print or broadcast, without expressed written consent.

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