Rain and thunderstorms possible today.
Rain and thunderstorms possible today.
Smith & Eddy Insurance Weather.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
- Rain likely. Thunder possible.
- High 66; low 47
- Precipitation: 80%
- Wind: SSW 10 mph day; NNW 9 mph evening.
- Humidity: 72% day; 89% evening.
- Sunrise: 6:02 a.m.; sunset: 9:28 p.m.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
- Cloudy skies, higher wind gusts possible.
- High 65; low 46
- Precipitation: 20% day; 10% evening.
- Wind: NNW 18 mph day; W 10 mph evening.
- Humidity: 65% day; 51% evening.
- Sunrise: 6:01 a.m.; sunset: 9:28 p.m.
Friday, June 14, 2019
- Partly cloudy in the morning, showers possible later in the day and evening.
- High 66; low 55
- Precipitation:50%
- Wind: SW 14 mph day; SSW 13 mph evening.
- Humidity: 62% day; 74% evening.
- Sunrise: 6:01 a.m.; sunset: 9:29 p.m.
The weather is a service of Smith & Eddy Insurance, proudly offering Auto Owners Insurance.