Ludington council to consider code of conduct.

May 20, 2019

Ludington council to consider code of conduct.


By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

LUDINGTON — City Council will consider approving a City Council Code of Conduct when it meets in regular session today, May 20, at 6:30 p.m. The code came up following conversations regarding the city’s social media policy, said City Manager Mitch Foster, in a memo to the council.

The code is for members of the elected city council and the city’s appointed board, committees and commissions “to ensure public confidence in the integrity of local government and its effective, open, and fair operation,” according to the proposed policy. “In addition, it is to apply the idea that what any one member does has an impact on the effectiveness and actions of the whole in both positive and negative ways.”

The policy includes:

1. Act in the public interest. Members will work for the common good of the people of Ludington and not for any private or personal interest.

2. Comply with federal, state and local laws.

3. Professional and personal conduct of members must be above reproach and avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

4. Respect of the process: Members shall perform their duties in accordance with the processes and rules of order as established by the council, board, committees, and commissions governing the deliberation of public policy issues, meaningful involvement of the public and implementation of policy decisions of the city council by city staff.

5. Conduct of public meetings: Members shall prepare themselves for public issues, listen courteously and attentively to all public discussions before the body, and focus on the business at hand. They shall refrain from interrupting other speakers, making personal comments not germane to the business of the body, or otherwise interfering with the orderly conduct of meetings.

6. Conflict of interest: Members shall not use their official positions to influence governmental decisions in which they have a material financial interest, or where they have an organizational responsibility or personal relationship, which may give the appearance of a conflict of interest. Members shall disclose conflicts.

7. Members shall respect and adhere to the council-manager structure adopted by the city charter. The council determines the policies of the city with advice, information, and analysis provided by the public, boards, committees, commissions and city staff.

8. Independence of boards, committees and commissions: Members of the council shall refrain from using their position to unduly influence the deliberations or outcomes of board, committee, commission, and staff deliberation proceedings.

9. Positive work place environment.

The code is intended to be self-enforcing and can be enforced through sanctions by majority vote of the city council.

Sanctions could include: Official verbal reprimand in an open meeting; formal public letter of censure by mayor, chair, or majority of the council; loss of committee assignments; referral to city board of ethics; other courses of action allowed by state statute and legal means agreed upon by a majority of council members.

The council meets at the city municipal building, 400 S. Harrison St.

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