FiveCAP assists hundreds with 2018 tax returns.

April 26, 2019

FiveCAP assists hundreds with 2018 tax returns.

SCOTTVILLE — With tax day in the recent past, many people are freed from thinking of their tax returns for another year. Several taxpayers used the services of FiveCAP, Inc. to help with those returns.

FiveCAP’s community support workers again provided free tax preparation services and e-filing, helping 680 low-income residents from 499 households in its service area, which includes Mason, Manistee, Lake and Newaygo counties.

“It was another successful tax season,” said FiveCAP Executive Director Mary Trucks. “The service is incredibly helpful to our clients and it’s great to look back and see how much money we helped return to our community.”

Trucks reported that a total of $601,734 was returned to residents who had their taxes prepared by FiveCAP.

“That makes a big difference to those that need it,” she added. “And that’s money that is infused right back into our local economy. Our clients are relieved to have this money, which most use to catch up on their bills, help pay some of the high cost of heating their homes through the winter and purchase essential items for their households.”

While the deadline for people who owe money to the government is April 15, residents still have time to claim tax credits if they haven’t filed a tax return yet.

Residents are reminded that the deadline for the home heating credit isn’t until September 30, so FiveCAP encourages anyone who hasn’t yet to still make an appointment to have your taxes prepared. Even though tax day has passed, there are other credits that residents may qualify to receive.