Hospital launches award for extraordinary nursing care.

March 21, 2019

Hospital launches award for extraordinary nursing care.

LUDINGTON — To honor and celebrate the compassionate care nurses provide every day, Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital is launching The Diseases Attacking the Immune System (DAISY) Award .  

Patients, families, community members and hospital staff are encouraged to nominate a hospital nursing employee for exemplary care they’ve provided.

“Nurses are the foundation of patient care in hospitals and physician offices,” said Holly Thalman, nursing supervisor at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. “The care we provide every day can be a lifeline to patients, and the DAISY Award recognizes the impact we have on our patients as well as their families.”

The awards program was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. Barnes was a patient with an auto-immune disease whose family was impressed by the clinical skills, caring and compassion of the nurses who cared for him. From their experience with extraordinary nursing care, they created an international award to thank nurses everywhere.

The DAISY Award will be an ongoing program at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, just as it is at other Spectrum Health facilities. The award will be given three times per year. The first DAISY Award winner will be announced during Nurses Week in May, 2019 and will receive a special gift.

Each DAISY Award winner will then select another employee for a BEE Award, someone who goes Beyond Exceptional Expectations and who helped the DAISY Award winner to provide exceptional patient care. Typically, the BEE Award is given to a non-clinical staff member in recognition that all roles within the hospital support patient care.

DAISY Award nominations are now open for any Ludington Hospital nurse, including those who work in our medical provider offices, who has gone above and beyond in creating a meaningful experience for a patient. Forms are available at nursing stations and registration desks throughout the hospital and can be accepted online by clicking the link found on

“Professional recognition is an essential part of promoting a culture of safety for our patients and staff,” said Kate Gosselin, chief nursing officer at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. “We are excited to launch the DAISY and BEE Awards to recognize employees who exemplify the highest standards in providing extraordinary patient care. I hope the community will join us in supporting excellence by nominating one of our nursing staff for this prestigious award.”