Williams announces resignation as Scottville manager.

February 4, 2019

Amy Williams

Williams announces resignation as Scottville manager.


By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

SCOTTVILLE — Amy Williams announced her resignation as Scottville City Manager Monday, Feb. 4, during the city commission’s regular meeting. Williams stated that she would like to remain in the position, which she has held since 1998, until the end of April, in order to assist the commission with finding a replacement.

Williams said she was offered another job opportunity in the area and it was too good of an opportunity to turn down, especially since the new opportunity will allow her to spend more time with her family.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed serving the City of Scottville as its city manager for the past 21 years and making Scottville my home,” she said. “I met my husband here and we’ve been raising our daughter here. Writing this memorandum is bittersweet as I do love Scottville but I have been presented with a great opportunity that I feel is the right step for my family and I at this point in our lives.

“I think Scottville has made some great strides over the years and like all cities has also suffered some setbacks, but we’ve persevere, and I know Scottville will continue to move forward in the future. I’ve had the privilege to serve with various mayors, city commissioners and volunteers over the years and I have learned so much from each of them. I will never forget all the support I’ve received. Also, a special thanks to all of our great citizens, many of whom I can call a friend.”

Williams also thanked the city’s employees. “I know sometimes we forget about the workers who are out there day to day making Scottville a better place and I’ve been honored to work alongside some really great people over the years.”

The commission unanimously accepted Williams resignation “with regret.”

A representative from the Michigan Municipal League has been invited to attend the Feb. 18 meeting of the commission to discuss its manager search services.

This story is copyrighted © 2019, all rights reserved by Media Group 31, LLC, PO Box 21, Scottville, MI 49454. No portion of this story or images may be reproduced in any way, including print or broadcast, without expressed written consent.

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