County Farm Bureau to hold annual meeting Thursday.

September 11, 2018

County Farm Bureau to hold annual meeting Thursday.


GRANT TOWNSHIP — The Mason County Farm Bureau will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, Sept. 13, at 6:30 p.m. at Farmview Resort, 6700 N. US 31. The meeting is open to any member of the Mason County Farm Bureau, which is part of Michigan Farm Bureau, the largest agricultural advocacy organization in the state.

Election of board members will take place, as well as adoption of county policies and recommendations for state policy. Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole will discuss the upcoming vote on recreational marijuana.

Representatives from both Mason County Farm Bureau and Michigan Farm Bureau will talk about candidates and topics that are being supported by the organization during the November election.

Special recognition will be given to 30-year members of MCFB along with farms that have recently received Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) certification.

The event will begin with a potluck dinner, meat and beverages will be provided. There will also be a silent auction, which will raise funds for the Farm Bureau’s scholarship fund.

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