Absentee ballots available for Primary Election. 

June 25, 2018

Absentee ballots available for Primary Election. 

Absentee ballots are available for the Primary Election to be held on August 7, 2018.  Voters eligible and who desire to receive an absentee ballot should contact their local city or township clerk, not the county clerk.  Voters are eligible to obtain an absentee voter ballot if any of the following are true for the upcoming August 7, 2018 Primary Election: If he or she:

  • Is 60 years of age or more.
  • Is unable to vote without assistance.
  • Expects to be absent from his or her city or township of residence for the entire time the polls are open.
  • Is in jail awaiting arraignment or trial.
  • Has been appointed to work as an election inspector in a precinct outside his or her precinct of residence.
  • Is unable to attend the polls due to his or her religious beliefs.

A voter who wishes to receive an absentee ballot must request it in writing from their local city or township clerk. The written request can be a preprinted application form or a letter, but must include one of the statutory reasons listed above stating why the voter is eligible to receive the absentee ballot, and it must include the applicant’s signature. Local clerks have preprinted application forms available that may be requested in person or over the telephone.

A person who registers to vote by mail must vote in person in the first election in which he or she participates. Any person who has not registered to vote by July 9, 2018 is not eligible to vote in this election.

The following is a list of city and township clerks in Mason County.  Many of these clerks work from their homes and have full-time jobs in addition to their elected positions of clerk. Voters may need to leave a phone message or call during the evening when contacting their clerk.

  • City of Ludington- Deborah L. Luskin- 845-6237—full time office days
  • City of Scottville- Debbie Howe- 757-4729—full time office days
  • Amber Township- Brenda Knizacky- 757-2160
  • Branch Township- Kimberly Tenney – 690-6137
  • Custer Township- Ann Larr- 757-3869
  • Eden Township- Julie VanDyke – 233-6867
  • Free Soil Township- Lynda Papes- 464-5825
  • Grant Township- Mary Jo Janowiak- 464-5473
  • Hamlin Township- Cathy Lewis- 845-0092
  • Logan Township- John Kampfschulte- 898-3968
  • Meade Township- Sue Hasenbank- 464-5813
  • Pere Marquette Charter Township- Rachelle Enbody-845-1279—full time office days
  • Riverton Township- Cindy Gerbers-757-2113
  • Sheridan Township- Marlynn Gulembo-462-3565
  • Sherman Township- Kurt Lubben-462-3205
  • Summit Township- Mary Samuels-845-6304
  • Victory Township- Barb Egeler- 843-3607


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