College to honor Manistee hospital president during commencement. 

April 30, 2018

James Barker

College to honor Manistee hospital president during commencement. 

VICTORY TOWNSHIP — Over 200 West Shore Community College students are eligible to receive degrees and certificates at the college’s 48th commencement ceremony to be held on Friday, May 4, at 7 p.m. in the college’s Recreation Center Arena.

Speakers for the event will be President Scott Ward, Bruce C. Smith, chairman of the board of trustees, and Ana Figueroa, president of the Student Senate. Steven Deller, professor of nursing, will provide the faculty address.

The graduates will be presented by Dr. Brooke Portmann, dean of arts and sciences and Christy Christmas, dean of occupational programs. Chairman Smith, along with the board of trustees, and President Ward will award the degrees.

During the ceremony, the college will honor James Barker with the Alumni Achievement Award.

Barker is currently the president of Munson Healthcare Manistee Hospital and is the first alumnus to serve on the college’s board of trustees. He is member of the alumni association and has also served on the college’s foundation board of directors.

Barker was appointed to fill a vacancy on the board of trustees in December 2015, and was subsequently elected to a second term in 2016.

In 1993, Barker received an associate of nursing degree from WSCC, and his bachelor’s degree in business management and master’s degree in business administration are from Letourneau University in Texas.

“I owe my entire career to West Shore and I am honored to be selected to receive this honor,” said Barker.

The Rev. Dennis B. Bromley, of the United Methodist Church of Ludington, will deliver the invocation and benediction.

Music for the event will be provided by the Grand Traverse Pipes and Drums, the trumpet section of the WSCC Wind Symphony, members of the Gold Coast Chorale, and the WSCC Jazz Band under the direction of Professor of Music Ted Malt.

Following the commencement ceremony, a reception for the graduates and their families will be held in the Administrative and Conference Building.

Nursing ceremony. The West Shore Community College nursing program will honor 28 graduating nursing students in a symbolic pinning ceremony to be held on Thurs., May 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the Center Stage Theater. Each graduate will receive a time-honored pin, a symbol of a nurse’s service to others, and their induction into the nursing profession. A reception will follow the ceremony.

Law enforcement ceremony. West Shore Community College’s Law Enforcement Academy cadets will be recognized as graduates during the Law Enforcement Awards Ceremony at 7 p.m. on Mon., May 7, in the college’s Center Stage Theater. The keynote speaker will be Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole, who is a 1984 graduate of the college’s criminal justice program. The training academy is 16 weeks long and there are over 30 instructors who assist with the academy. A reception will follow the ceremony.

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