Swastika, KKK references placed on Google Maps Ludington Schools tag.

November 14, 2017

Google Maps.

Swastika, KKK references placed on Google Maps Ludington Schools tag.

LUDINGTON — People trying to find Ludington Area Schools on Google Maps may have been in for a little bit of a surprise Monday when they saw images on the tag of a swastika and also references to the KKK.

School Superintendent Jason Kennedy said school officials became aware of the tags Monday night and immediately took action to have them removed.

“It is important to understand that district systems were not compromised, nor were they hacked into, and that the images were not posted on the district’s website or social media page,” Kennedy said. “This process is similar to tagging a friend  on  any  popular  social  media  website. Upon notification, the district immediately began working with law enforcement officials, Google, and with various tips that it had received.

“The district was able to quickly identify the individual responsible for this act, and was able to get the images removed, with the cooperation  of  the  individual  who  posted  the  images.”

Google allows people to tag images on place locations on its maps. The action was technically not illegal, Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett said. “It’s unfortunate that people feel they have to do something like this, but it is my understand that there were not any criminal violations. However, that it something that ultimately the prosecutor would need to decide. There is a possibility of civil litigation in a case such as this.”

“Please be advised that Ludington Area Schools takes matters such as these very seriously,” Kennedy said. “Ludington Area Schools will not tolerate this type of behavior, and the district reserves its right  to  prosecute  matters  such  as  these  to  the  fullest  extent  of  the  law.”

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