Fountain man arrested for driving while on drugs for the 9th time.

October 10, 2017

Fountain man arrested for driving while on drugs for the 9th time.


MANISTEE — A 58-year-old Fountain man was arrested for operating under the influence of drugs (OUID) Sunday, Oct. 8, shortly after 8:30 p.m. on US 31 near Clay Street, according to Manistee County Undersheriff Kenneth Falk.

“He was arrested for OUID,” Falk said. “It is up to the prosecutor to charge ninth offense.”

“Deputies pulled the vehicle over after Manistee Central Dispatch received numerous phone calls of a reckless driver, and observing the vehicle hit the curb twice and cross the center line once,” Falk said.

“The subject admitted to smoking marijuana and has a medical marijuana card, along with other medications. Manistee City Police Officer Brian Cook assisted the sheriff’s office with conducting the field sobriety tests. The subject failed the sobriety tests and was placed under arrest for OUID. The subject was taken to Munson Medical Center Manistee Hospital for a blood draw (results are pending), and then lodged in the Manistee County Jail.”

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