Scottville building owner withdraws request for downtown ground floor residents.

February 20, 2017

downtown-scottvilleScottville building owner withdraws request for downtown ground floor residents. 


SCOTTVILLE — Downtown building owner Mark Pehrson has withdrawn his request for a variance to allow residents on the ground floor of his building at 133 S. Main St. Pehrson requested the variance after city officials discovered that he was renting the main floor of the two-story building as an apartment, a violation of the city’s zoning ordinance. The matter was referred by the City Commission (which also acts as the Zoning Board of Appeals) to the Planning Commission. During its Feb. 7 meeting the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend City Commission denies the request.

The zoning ordinance restriction of main floor residency is consistent with many downtown business districts, including Ludington.

Pehrson is an attorney who had operated the ground floor of the building as his law firm for over two decades before moving his practice to Ludington. He has owned the building since 1980.

“I understand the feeling of the business community and will renew my efforts to bring a commercial user to my building,” Pehrson stated in a letter written Feb. 13 to the City Commission. “My withdrawal of this request should not be viewed as a final decision on the matter as I am reserving my right to pursue any relief, including renewing my application, or challenging the ordinance itself, in the future.”