CrossFit’s Barbells for Babies to raise money for hospital birthing center.

November 29, 2016

crossfit_barbells_sengCrossFit’s Barbells for Babies to raise money for hospital birthing center. 


LUDINGTON – Ludington CrossFit, Ludington Spin and Yoga, and NorthStar Chiropractic are teaming up to promote fitness while raising money for Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital’s Family Birthing Center.

A fitness event called Barbells for Babies will be held Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 10 a.m. at Ludington CrossFit.  The event is designed to accommodate people of all ages and fitness backgrounds.  A “toddler workout” will be offered for the more seasoned athlete and an “infant workout” will be available for those looking to tone up.

“This event is less about winning and more about bringing the fitness community of Ludington together to support a great cause,” said Dr. Jacob Seng, owner of Ludington CrossFit and NorthStar Chiropractic.

The hospital is planning to expand its birthing services and has set a goal to raise $ 1 million in community donations by the end of the year for the project, which would provide more space, better privacy and improve the overall patient experience.

“Ludington area families deserve the best experience possible when bringing new life into this world,” said Seng.  “Let’s get behind our local hospital and help them achieve this incredible goal.”

“We are grateful to have such wonderful support from the community,” said Kaley Petersen, director of the Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital Foundation.  “The Barbells for Babies event not only supports Spectrum Health’s mission to improve the health of the community by offering fitness opportunities, but also raises valuable funds so the hospital can invest in the future of local health care.”

There is a $50 fee to participate in Barbells for Babies, which includes a t-shirt, snacks, beverages and the workout.  To register or for additional information, call 231.907.9616. See the Facebook event page here.


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