Scottville water main project behind schedule, city expected to dock contractor’s pay.

September 6, 2016

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SCOTTVILLE — The city commission is being asked to consider withholding payment to the contractor of the city’s water main replacement due to the contractor not completing certain work tasks on time.

City Manager Amy Williams has asked the city commission to withhold four days of liquidated damages which equals $2,800. She said the contractor has missed project milestones as spelling out in the contract.

Contractors are currently working on curbs, which has meant that many residents on North Main Street, Broadway, Maple streets have had limited access to their driveways the past several days. The work has also impeded on the first day of school, which started today. Williams had said earlier in the summer that the intention was for the work on Broadway and Maple streets to be completed before the beginning of the school year.

Once work on the north side of town is completed, then work will begin on the east-west streets on the south side of town. However, South Main Street is not in need of water replacement like North Main Street was.

The city commission meets today at 5:30 p.m. for its first regular meeting of September.

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