County Republicans elect delegates.

August 15, 2016


The Mason County Republican Party held its County Convention on August 11 to elect delegates to the Republican State Convention which will be held August 26, 27 .  Since Mason County is part of two U. S. House of Representatives districts, delegates and alternates were selected separately for the districts.  Delegates and alternates selected were:

Congressional District 1: Delegates – Kris Struve, Nancy Mauer. Alternates – Rose DeLoof, Rodney Merrill

Congressional District 2: Delegates – James Bachelder, John Beckett, Paul McCrath, Kim Cole, Carolyn Cater. Alternates – Lyla McClelland, John Kreinbrink, Cathy Ingraham, Carole Johnson, Erin Cater

The delegates and alternates will elect the 16 presidential electors for the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.  If Trump wins the popular vote for Michigan, these electors will meet on December 19 and cast votes for him as members of the Eelectoral College. State law states that the electors of president and vice-president shall convene in the senate chamber at the Capitol of the state at 2 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December following their election.

The delegates will also nominate candidates for two Justices to the Michigan Supreme Court, two members of the State Board of Education, two members for each of the Wayne State University Board of Governors, the Michigan State University Board of Trustees, and the University of Michigan Board of Regents.

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